Here’s a moment of truth; you can still buy or sell a house during the holiday season.
The average person will tell you that you should not buy or sell in the months of November and December. They'll tell you, “Why would you do that? It's so stressful during the holidays, everybody's going to parties. Nobody's paying attention.”
Did you hear that? Nobody's paying attention, that sounds like opportunity to me.
Let's talk about why I think this is a great opportunity for buyers in the month of November and December. If people are asleep at the wheel and they're not paying attention, you've swung and missed, I don't know let's just say 10 times throughout the entire year. Here you are in the month of November, or maybe it's December; interest rates are still hovering below 3% and you're like, honey, we need to lock in this interest rate. We need a bigger house. We need a smaller house, whatever the case is if there's less competition, I smell opportunity.
Now for sellers why is it a great idea to sell during the holidays? Well towards the end of the year, there are still qualified buyers who are just chopping at the bit to buy a house before the year is over. We all know that these interest rates will not stay low forever and there is still historically low inventory, there's not a lot of homes to go around for everybody who wants one.
So, this sounds like a win for buyers, a win for sellers; sounds like a match made in heaven.
I'm predicting right now that this fourth quarter is going to be busier than ever, maybe the busiest on the books for 2021. As my good friend, Glennda Baker says, “If you sleep on it, you won't sleep in it.” So, hop to it. You guys it's fourth quarter. Let's get it going.
If you have any questions or you want to start a conversation, let’s talk.
Don’t forget to catch up on my weekly show, Taya’s 2 Cents, where share my two cents on different real estate topics from buying and selling real estate, owning a home and more.